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Siberian "Nothing World"
A trip to the Russian Far Eastern Siberia in 2005 was one of the most exhilarating, thrilling, beautiful, educational, and amazing...
Flossing in Patagonia
Making a Spectacle of Oneself Several years ago I was part of a group of 6 who went trekking in Patagonia. We climbed up some mountains,...
Bhutan Birthday
My birthday hit while in the country which prides itself on its Happiness Quotient rather than its Gross Economic Quotient. In general I...
Who's in Charge?
AND WE WERE THE MEAT We had no idea when we booked this particular expedition to Greenland that there would be no acknowledged Expedition...
Did They Really Say/Ask That?
Or: Are there really no dumb questions? Yes: every one of these entries has been said or asked on trips I have joined. And No: I did not...
American Horror Story
Thankfully, this awful experience didn't happen to either of us. But we have taken it as a cautionary tale ever since Kay's sister...
The Pope's Potty
CASTLE GANDOLFO Several years ago if people wanted to see the Catholic Pope during the summer, they journeyed to the small town of Castel...
English as a Foreign Language
Mixed-up communications in foreign countries are often the funniest things we experience. As an example, here's a true story of a stay...
The Novice Guide
A biking & barging trip in the Netherlands and Belgium can be the most wonderful way to see those beautiful and history-filled countries....
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